Affordable Public Relations Tools Your Brand or Business Should Tap Into

Are you using all of the best public relations tools for your brand or business? As a leading PR agency in New York City in Miami, Savory PR believes it is absolutely crucial to tap into affordable PR tools for startups and new brands. To help you get the most PR bang for your buck, […]

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Key Features of a PR Campaign And Why You Should Work With a PR Agency

Public relations is one of the most cost-effective and powerful ways to grow a brand or business, but so often, because it is an intangible thing that is isn’t physical and comes down to the views and perceptions of a specific audience, some business owners and brands overlook the power of PR. PR ultimately has […]

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10 Steps Needed To Launch a Successful PR Campaign

At the core of PR is savvy messaging and flavorful storytelling via credible third-party sources like the media. PR adds true value to a brand or business in a time of overcrowded ads and sales pitches. Even companies with innovative and superior products or services will find themselves experiencing business problems for that simple that […]

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